Mobiles are the handiest gadget and man’s best companion. All the information related to Banking, official documents, personal information and many more such documents are stored in mobiles. In such cases it becomes necessary to lock the mobiles to keep your information safe. No doubt the cell phones have assisted us in emergencies. But in case of emergency where one needs help and the phone is locked. In a case where you need a medical help and your family is to be informed. Then comes the need to save ICE which stands for “in case of emergency”. It is crucial to have this number on the phone’s lock screen so that we do no waste a second, every second counts in emergency.
Steps to activate ICE on iPhone
A Health app comes pre-installed on all iOS devices running iOS 8 and later.
- Find the app and open it.
- At the bottom of screen you can find “Medical ID”. Tap on Medical ID. Now Tap Create Medical ID. Assign one or multiple person’s as your emergency contact person. Select the contacts from your existing phonebook contacts. You can choose multiple contacts. In case the first number is unavailable in emergency the second kin can be contacted.
- There are options to add information about medications, diseases, allergies and other health information. In case you are not aware of medicines, allergies you can write “None” or “None known”.
- Turn on the setting at the top of the screen that says “Show When Locked”, Once all the fields entered hit on “Done” in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
- Check if it was done successfully when the screen is locked.Lock the phone and press the home button with the finger other than registered finger. Tap on the Emergency displayed on lower left-hand corner. The medical ID displays all the information entered.
Steps to activate ICE on Android
This feature can be found in
Settings -> My Information.
Depends on the android version and the phone. In case emergency contact not available on your phone. Free apps are available in the google app store . You can download the app and follow the steps.
Medical ID app helps to create your medical profile like allergies, blood type, medical contacts etc. which can be accessed from the lock screen in case of emergency. The medical contact number helps you to contact your kin.
Note: Take a test of the ICE information once you are done. You can even edit the information.