An Entrepreneur born to inspire women in society.
“Your life has a purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact.”
Kanika( Cancer Survivor’s) entrepreneurial journey began at the age of 25 years. All entrepreneurs face challenges, but she faced specific health challenges. But nothing could stop her from setting up her own interior design company “The Incredibles “ (
Kanika was diagnosed with cancer at the tender age of 7 Months. She is a fighter by birth and faced many challenges and always emerged with new energy and a confident person. Surviving cancer gave her the mental toughness to get past the self-doubt that would have prevented her from reaching her goal.
She was diagnosed with Rabdo-Mayo-Cercoma in Nesopheringial region cancer which affected her speech. Doctors had given up hope that she would ever be able to speak during her lifetime. Family support and a skillful, competent, error-free, empathetic, and caring approach helped her expedite recover to some extend and return to a productive and meaningful life.
Her entire family was adversely affected by her fight with Cancer and hard times hit the family at the same time. There was also a downfall in parental business. But the bond in the family kept them strong and her siblings- brother and sister who were neglected responded to a cancer diagnosis with compassion, love and care. The family came together during the crisis, strengthening the family relationship.
The family never gave up hope and stood together to cope with the situations. She successfully fought off the dreaded disease in childhood.
Kanika got admission in one of the top schools of Jaipur based on her caliber. She was often bullied by students for her speech in school. Thankfully the Principal stood by her and the moral lectures of the Principal to those students helped her find more support in the school. The Principal Dr.G.D Bakshi (principal of MGD) discovered a creativity spark in Kanika. Eventually, that motivated her to become an interior designer.
The elder sister’s motivation to live her dreams helped Kanika to follow her passion. Kanika went to pursue her graduation in Interior Design from Delhi University and this is where her confidence started building up. A cancer survivor and when no girls in the family ever dreamt of moving to a new city to pursue their career. She was one to set an example in the family.
After a few years of experience, she built her company of interior design with great passion. But, there was a sudden decline in business due to various macro and microeconomic factors such as demonetization and decline in the real estate industry etc. At this juncture, she felt low professionally and personally. She went into a deep depression.
Her Mentor Meeta Mathur who came into her life as an angel helped her to not only come out of depression also helped to rebuild her business and become a purpose-driver marketer. She changed her perspective and encouraged tirelessly to pursue her dream. She was emotional support available round the clock had answers to her professional and personal dilemmas. She pivoted.
Surviving cancer gave her the mental toughness to get past the self-doubt that would have prevented her from reaching her goal to do a purpose-driven person. “I just couldn’t give a fig,” she said to her doubts.
New marketing strategies, connecting with old customers and BNI Jaipur chapter saw a leap in the business. She has also become the brand ambassador for BNI Jaipur north.
As an entrepreneur, there were challenges to overcome as you look to make your business the best it can be.
Kanika has been persevering through adversity as she is very familiar with it. But she has learned over a period of time that everyone has a breaking point. These challenges are life’s lessons which help you bloom and become and Inspiration.
Kanika who was hesitant in public speaking, for not having a clear voice due to cancer now takes pride in narrating her entrepreneur journey.
It is important for survivors to share their stories. If one speaks up and helps those to fight against cancer then you should not hold back and help in motivation to fight cancer.”
Realize: There’s more to Life
She always had this question popping up “I always ask my parents why me & now I got the answer just to become an inspiration for other females in society”.
Kanika has been persevering through adversity and is very familiar with it. But she has learned over a period of time that everyone has a breaking point.
“You need to believe in what you’re doing. That unwavering belief in what you are doing will get you through the really hard moments.”
Don’t live in the past just live in present and pursue your dreams automatically the future will become beautiful.
Marriage is not the only goal in life for girls !!
If they want they alone can move forward in life independently. She was the victim of social stigma force people to reject cancer survivors as their soulmates. But now things are different and she would be the one to choose Mr right.
During this difficult time, she was so fortunate to have friends, family members, and even strangers who treated her with kindness, love, and compassion. “Something that I know wasn’t always easy, given my panicky state of mind!” says Kanika.
She always takes pleasure in expressing her gratitude to people who have made a difference in her life.
“I am truly grateful to God for giving me the most wonderful parents Mr. Mahendra Gupta and Mrs. Shashi Gupta. Their fight for my life, support and protection at each and every step has made me what I am today. Elder sister Shipra Gupta who perhaps got quite neglected and stood by me. She was my pillar of strength who advocated me to be the first female in this generation for further studies out of town. My younger brother Utkarsh Gupta always held my hand and guided me in life like an elder brother.
Dr G.D Bakshi (principal of MGD) who discovered creativity spark in me. The Women’s Mentor Forum platform (WMF) Founded by Archana Surana, her mentor Meeta Mathur.
Grateful to Mr. Prateek Agarwal (ED of Jaipur North Chapter BNI ) for having the trust in my abilities. He guided me in BNI and has helped me grow my business where my career restarted. Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai) especially Dr. Pandey who gave radiation to me for cancer and Dr. Advani for giving me Chemo it was the biggest challenge for them to save a 7-month young child without any side effect !! But they did it. “ Thankful to all the friends, extended family and fraternity members whose support has always been there unconditionally.